Guitar Q & A with Don Felder

Jeff asks: More than 40 years ago, I played in a rock ‘n roll band. I played a Fender bass, but my first love was definitely rhythm guitar. I would like to take up the guitar again, and would appreciate your recommendation as to what guitar I might select. My wife’s last name is Taylor, so I may be partial to that brand.

As for a guitar suggestion I can only say that I use Taylor acoustic guitars in my show, in my home and in the studio. They make a great product and you won’t be disappointed.

Phil asks: I just love the song Hotel California since it came out. Since the first time I heard it and seen the video, I wanted to be like Mr.Felder. I wanted a doubleneck so bad but could never afford one. Well in June of 06 I got cancer (Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 4) and my mother told me that if I beat it, she would buy me one, so I beat it. I got a Epiphone (Cherry). Now I can play it like my hero. My question is this. My Epiphone has a single cord input, and I noticed that Mr. Felder’s has two. I know he has a Gibson. I’ve seen doubleneck Gibsons before and they don’t have two. Does he have them specially made? Thank you. A huge Don Felder fan, Phil V.

Phil, the first double neck I used I personally drilled another hole in it to add a second output jack. Then I rewired it so that one neck goes out one output and the other goes out the second. The output changes with the neck selector switch. I run the 12 string neck into a echo unit and a leslie and the 6 string neck into my pedal board and then into a RI Fender deluxe amp.Congratulations on beating Hodgkins Lymphoma. God bless you and good luck.

Do you regularly practice playing pedal steel, mandolin and/or banjo?

I play pedal steel now and then. I break it out and work on it for several days before I have to use it on a session. I don’t play it as a regular part of my daily routine. The same for mandolin.

H. Hodges asks, “What kind of picks do you use?”

I use Herco gold picks (the scratchy side) for electric and Fender medium picks for acoustic.

Don, many Felder fans searching the site want to know what your amp/effects are. What are they?

I used to use an echoplex (tape echo) and a Boss stereo chorus. Today I have a pedalboard that has been custom built here in L.A. which incorporates two Boss echo pedals, a Boss chorus, a wah-wah, an overdrive pedal and a wireless rig.

If you were to author your own guitar instruction book, how would the back cover read?

I guess I’ll have to write that just before my first instruction book is published! Don’t know when that will be right now.”

Can you give us a sneak peek as to some of the styles you’ve got planned for your upcoming CD?

More Felder music. Not sure how to stylize it or what you’d call it…..just more of my music.

What musical item would you give a loved-one this Christmas and why?

That would depend on the person. I’d inquire as to what sounds they like. How much time they have to play or listen. I’d suit the musical item to that person’s likes and needs. If they always wanted to play an instrument, I’d give them that instrument. If they wanted a new ipod, then I’d give them that. A gift should be very personal and aimed at the individual person’s wants, needs and likes.

David F. wants to know: Have you ever used a compressor/sustainer pedal? If so, why would you use one and what impact do they have on guitar tone. I am a guitar player and have fiddled with them, but never really “got it.”

I have never used a compressor or sustainer pedal on record. I’ve tried several times to find a way to use them but have always walked away disappointed with the results. The only people I know who use[d] them are Lowell George and Bonnie Raitt to get that long clean sustain for slide. Lowell would use two 1176 limiters in succession before the amp. I think Bonnie learned it from Lowell.

Some of the tones you have used over the years with the Eagles seem like they might have been generated with a Mesa/Boogie amp. Is there any truth to that, or have your amps been modified to have similar overdrive functionality when you wanted it?

I have 2 Mesa Boogie amps but never use them. I’ve had them since the 70′s when they first came out but found them too loud and not a TRUE tone to my ear. I have modified a few amps over the years but always go back to finding a great sounding amp that works for a certain guitar sound (Strat, Gretsch, Gibson etc.) and setting the amp for that guitar. It’s nearly impossible for an amp to deliver all the different tones from so many types of guitars and pickups well. I find it best to find a great sounding amp that doesn’t drive you out of the room with volume and find a tone on it that will work with a certain guitar. I you don’t find anything great MOVE ON!

Mike asks, “What are your favorite pickups for a Fender stratocaster?”

I either hand wire them myself at the custom shop at Seymour Duncan or have MJ, the head of the custom shop, make them for me.

From Jennifer: What’s your favorite color for a guitar?

I don’t really have a favorite color. I love beautiful wood but paint jobs are cool, too.

I’m a fellow guitar player and I’d just like to say I LOVE your melody lines in every song you do. They feel/sound fresh and they’re very inspiring. My question involves the classical guitar you used during the “Hell Freezes Over” tour and the song “Hotel California.” I’m curious to know the make of the guitar and what strings you used for it. If you recommend any brand of strings for a classical, that would be great help too. Thank you, Sarah V.

Sarah, it was a Takamine with CP-132 SC Nylon strings. As far as strings for a classical go, I’d recommend SAVAREZ.

What gauge of strings do you use for an electric and acoustic guitar?

I use Ernie Ball Slinkys (10′s) on my stardard tuning electrics and Ernie Ball (11′s) on my E-flat or slide-tuned guitars.

You specifically mention your solo in the “Sad Cafe” as a personal fave…I too love that piece of music and can still remember how THRILLED I was when I first learned to play it! What set up did you use on that song to get such a beautiful tone and feel? Thanks, Bill M.

It was my 1964 D-35 Martin with a U87 microphone.

John dropped us a mail asking how you got the cool sax sound (distortion and compression) on the lead solo to “One of These Nights?

I just plugged in and turned everything to 10. We put two limiters (side-chain) on the mic in the studio.

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  • tony

    I went to eagles concert last nite and they changed guitar after every song why do they do that? They didn’t do it as much in the 2 concerts I seen years ago